Return of the Ancient Ones Radio Series

Dr. Truth, on Blogtalk Radio, has a recent radio show series that presents the Washitaw history.

You will find the links to the right in the Blog Talk Radio box. If they change that, here are the archive Links.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Was Jesus Black? The Bible as History

This video is worth watching. You may need to pause on some of the text frames and some of the pictures to get a good look.

Interestingly, the Secret Rulers of the World doesn't say Jesus was black, but if the pharohs were black, then that would corroborate that Jesus was black. This series is 29 videos and well worth watching. (Note: If you find that a video is missing from the playlist, you might need to search for it on google and find it somewhere else, for some reason that happens sometime!)

Click on this here to see the whole playlist

Secret Rulers of the World Part 1


Part 2

Part 3

Bybee v. City of Paducah: Washitaw National in US Court of Appeals

We found this court case quite interesting. IMHO, it shows that someone didn't know what they were doing! See what you make of it here.


TERRILL D. BYBEE, Plaintiff-Appellant,
CITY OF PADUCAH, Defendant-Appellee.

August 13, 2002, Filed

Bybee's claims stem from a minor traffic accident. A Paducah police officer investigated the accident and discovered that Bybee did not possess a license to drive, a vehicle registration, or liability insurance coverage as required by statute. Rather, Bybee's operator's license, vehicle registration, and car tag were issued by the fictional "Nation of Washitaw" (the territory of the United States except the thirteen original colonies and Texas).

They obviously didn't know this lady! Watch Queen Vallarah EL Bey explaining some good law definitions and issues relative to the Washitaw.

Get our your Black's Law Dictionary and look up the stuff she tells you to look up. Don't have a Black's Law? Here's a free download of Edition 2, which is out of copyright.

Blacks Law / Moorish Law Dealing With the Courts pt1

To view all 10 parts of this video, Click Here for the playlist.

Alleged Washitaw Documents

This curious webpage called, Militia Watchdog Image Gallery, has several images of Washitaw driver's licenses, birth certificates, etc.

Birth Certificate

Driver's License

License Plate

Conveyance Registration

Washitaw Embassy in Switzerland

The Washitaw have an Embassy in Switzerland, here is the listing.

Embassy of the Empire Washitaw
European Embassy
Bahnhofstrasse 2
6170 Schüpfheim
Phone: +41 (0)41 485 70 71 (calling Switzerland)
Fax: +41 (0)41 485 70 85

Legal Notice About Miami Circle of Ancient Washitaw

For research, this is an interesting read of a Notice to Cease and Desist the Washitaw issued to keep some of thier sacred land. (If I read it correctly!)

Miami Circle Cease and Desist.

On this site, they also have a page about the Washitaw with some good pictures.


The Oldest Indigenous Peoples On Earth
The Washitaw de Muu & The Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah

On the 2nd of Muu, ( twenty five thousand years ago ), the Washitaw people decided to leave their native land of Muu. Muu had become decadent and power hungry, but the Washitaw were a peaceful, righteous and honorable family. A matriarchal society since the time of the Empress Ismaale'. The Great Amazon warrior of Muu, it is estimated that her reign began some one hundred thousand years ago.The ancient Washitaw were musicians, historians, herbalists and architects. Their reputations reached far and near. After millennia of spiritual and physical wealth and abundance, wars and significant differences began to occur between neighbors. Forbidden technological powers were used to destroy one another.

Washitaw Speech to the United Nations on the Health of Indigenous People

This is the audio of Umar Shabazz Bey introducing the Empire Washitaw Nation at the United Nations.

The Ancient Ones Revisited - The First Americans Washitaw Muurs

This is an excerpt from the DVD The Ancient Ones Revisited - The First Americans Washitaw Muurs. You can order it at this link for $10, or $25 with the books We are the Washitaw and Pyramids in America.

This is the presentation we saw last night that introduced us to the Washitaw.

Welcome to The Washitaw Files

Yesterday a friend shared a video with my husband and I. We found it more than fascinating as we were not aware that there was a black race indigenous to the American continent. We had heard of peoples much older than the Native Americans in Oregon and Washington.

I have found most of this video on YouTube and I've posted those here. I HIGHLY recommend watching them.

You will find here on this blog is what we have uncovered. Part of our interest in the indigenous tribes is that becoming a member of such a tribe MAY be a path to sovereignty. There is a Dr. Ali Billion who is a proponent of this method, which one can learn about by attending his Logic Seminar.

We are working with another group which is going a different path to sovereignty and we will report on that also as it develops further.

Thanks for stopping by and if you have something to share or correct, please do so via a comment to a post.
